Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Lioness Who Wanted to Eat Me

This lady-lion wanted to eat me long before I started wiggling my arms.  She didn't pay attention to anyone else at the zoo... but whenever I came near the glass she ran at it and started attacking!!

DOESN'T SHE KNOW WHO I AM?  I AM NONNERS.  Or maybe, she did know who I was.... after all... I am super popular.....


The lioness was quite right to assume that I'd be super tasty, though, so I am a bit flattered.


wuzzyangel said...

I saw this on your YT!! LOL! Too cute Nonners!! I don't think she wanted to eat you, maybe just give you a big ol' lioness HUG!! ;)

Stephanie said...

hahaha Nonners the Lioness Whispherer


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